Part 98: Chapter 8 Quiz
Music: Play It Again
I asked him to check two things for me. One was Gallery May, and the other was...

Kevin Woodward


Robert Evans
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

Then I used it to listen to Iris's tape. It seemed to be a recording of some shady transaction. The person who sent the tape to Iris was...



Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

I asked Louie to check the guest log from two years back and see what was there. And then we went bowling. Go figure... While we were knocking pins, we found something odd in a hallway planter. The thing we found was...

A cassette tape

A pencil

An old key
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

But she stopped yelling long enough to tell us that Mila had vanished. Ever the heroes, Louie and I went to search for her. When I found Mila, she was...

In the restaurant

In the lobby

On the roof
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

Rosa told me that Dunning has a daughter. She thinks there's a connection between Mila and Dunning. But she doesn't have any real proof. When we were done, my pager went off and I called Ed. He had some info on Mila's old man, Robert Evans. Seems Evans took a powder after he closed down his art gallery. He went missing about...

Six months ago

Two years ago

Seven years ago
Music: Midnight

Music: Play It Again

Things are starting to come together, but I still got questions. Questions about Mila's father, Dunning's daughter, and some picture of an angel. The strands of this mystery are starting to fray.
Music: Silent Moon